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I want to smile when I’m older

January 10, 2014

Content men and women live for a longer period– by 35 percent, as explaining by one report One more study found that peace of mind and satisfaction increases health and life expectancy.Other studies reveal optimists live longer than pessimists Therefore it’s no shock that centenarians are a cheerful and upbeat lot. Positive views and attitudes tend to somehow do things in your body that fortify your immune system, step-up positive emotions, reduce pain, and produce stress relief. In fact, it’s been scientifically shown that well-being can adjust your genes!

A team of research workers at UCLA displayed that people with a broad sense of happiness and well-being had smaller levels of inflammatory gene expression and stronger antiviral and antibody responses This falls under the field of epigenetics– changing the way your genes work by switching them off and on.

Part of your longevity would depend on the DNA you were born with, but an even larger element relies on epigenetics– over which you have extra authority. Your thoughts, feeling, emotions, diet, and various other lifestyle aspects exert epigenetic effects every minute of the day, serving a main role in getting older and disease It could be that it’s not as important to eliminate that serving of ice cream as it is to feel sheer euphoria when eating it … at least, occasionally!

Healthy and balanced Aging Is a ‘Big Picture’.

There is no miracle drug when it comes to aging well. Generally speaking, the better you manage your body all throughout your life, the better your aging experience will be. Most individuals do not enjoy the thought of aging since, for most, aging is associated with aches and pains, forgetfulness and isolation. It is inescapable that you’re getting older, but I can promise you from personal experience that this need not be a bad thing!

Now, as I come close to my 60th birthday celebration in a few months, I am the fittest I have ever been– and I live every single day to its ultimate potential. I may have been able to run quicker when I was young, but I would never exchange that for the muscle toughness, pliability and understanding I have today. You too can achieve well being on both physical and cerebral fronts, at any age. In fact, for me in many ways life continues to feel better as the years move onward.

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