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Look and Feel Better – 10 Ideas

January 27, 2014

1. Strategize your food intake
Never eat a thing simply because it’s available. Instead, eat only the foods you aim to eat
when you plan to eat them and break off as soon as you’ve had enough, before you’re stuffed.
2. Drink water.
Substitute water and drop soft drinks, fruit juices, and other sugary drinks. Seltzer, embellished with thin pieces of lime or oranges, is also great if you like something sparkling.
3. Eat salad first.
Greens are abundant sources of significant nutrients with very few calories. This can control your appetite at the beginning, helping you take up fewer calories from the entire meal, and supply you with an outstanding source of calcium, potassium, fiber, and vitamins A and C.
4. Workout everyday.
At least 20 minutes of high energy exercise whether it’s taking a walk, cycling, running, swimming, or enjoying a sport gives your body and brain health an immediate leg up and helps set the tone for strong living.
5. Make sleep a goal.
Obtaining 8 hours of good-quality sleep will help you gain much better control over your appetite and increased energy for daily motion and some other activities. Set yourself up for success by creating a soothing routine before sleeping.
6. Avoid mindless snacking.
Don’t eat while doing other activities, including driving a vehicle, watching TV, reading or surfing the Web. When your interest is divided, it’s more easy to thoughtlessly shovel in snacks without realizing you are pigging out.
7. Just eat foods that have simple ingredients.
If a kid can’t say ingredients on the package label, don’t eat it. You’ll avoid consuming loads of additives and chemicals that supply little health value.
8. Keep away from fast foods.
If you’re in a pinch and absolutely can’t avoid fast food, use to make the best workable picks. This site, which also has a cellphone app under the name
yumPower, lists the healthiest menu choices at chain restaurants, with details about calories, sodium, and fats.
9. Go public with your plans.
Tell valuable people in your life – relatives, dear friends, and colleagues – about health-related improvements you’re doing, then get their assistance.
10. Be in charge your food preferences, wherever you are.
Your food consumption behaviors don’t need to be at the whim of your situation if you take control and plan ahead. Take healthy foods any place you go, so you’ll have them always accessible. that includes the office, a sporting event, and other places where you might be inclined to munch.

Looking for info on other healthy things to do?

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