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Free Radicals and Parkinson’s Disease

At least 50,000 Americans are identified with Parkinson’s Disease every single year, and specialists point out it’s significantly obvious that the products used in farming are contributing to too many of the problems. "Pesticides are by far the major environmental Parkinson’s disease risk element," says Jeff Bronstein, M.D., a professor of neurology at UCLA and director of the schools Movement Disorders Program.

Parkinson’s disease is triggered by the decrease of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which governs mobility and other neurological functions. Symptoms include the loss of control of movement, which leads to shivering, balance troubles, and stiffness. It’s also been known for over TWENTY years that the mid brain area of people dealing with Parkinsons Disease show a forty to fifty % loss in total glutathione levels. Glutathione, the body’s Master Antioxidant plays a role in enabling the body lessen oxidative stress and long-term inflammation it creates.

"Lengthy periods of exposure to agricultural chemicals considerably raises one’s likeyhood of acquiring Parkinson’s disease," Dr. goes on to say. "There’s a famous line, which is practically a cliché that heredity loads the gun and surroundings pulls the trigger. That appears true with Parkinson’s and pesticides.
In addition to Dr. Bronstein’s work, a new report posted by Italian researchers in the journal of Neurology concluded that lasting exposure to agricultural chemicals raises risk of Parkinson’s by thirty three to eighty percent.

The Dirty Dozen.
Each and every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes its "Dirty Dozen" selection of the most chemical-laden fruit and vegetables. It also produces its "Clean 15" selection of the fruit and vegetables least likely to include substantial levels of pesticides.
The "Dirty Dozen" are celery,, apples,grapes, peaches, strawberries, spinach, bell peppers,imported nectarines, potatoes, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and hot peppers.
The EWG also alluded to concerns over kale, collard greens, and summer squash.
The "Clean 15" are onions, pineapples, cabbage, avocados, frozen peas, mangoes, papayas,asparagus, eggplant, kiwi, grapefruit, corn, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, and mushrooms.

Talking about Glutathione and Parkinson’s Disease.
The glutathione reductions indicated earlier in this write-up are one of the initial possible warning signs in the earliest stages of Parkinson’s Disease. Oxidative injury to fats, protein and DNA in the brain of Parkinson’s Disease sufferers is consistent with the decline of the antioxidant operations provided by GSH. It is not unusual for the mind to be affected by a downturn of glutathione levels as the brain employs a big amount of the total oxygen required by our bodies. The metabolic functions that use oxygen create free radicals as a byproduct.

Reduce Chronic Pain with better Weight Control

When it relates to the issue of slimming down, there are many things that you’ve believed over the years that seemed to work, but when reviewed more critically, turn out to be one more fantasu that is preventing you from dropping fat and inches.

Here are the first 6:.

Myth 1: You have to count calories to get rid of pounds.

Our forefathers never calculated calories. They didn’t even know what a calorie was. Still, somehow, hardly any people were fat until food was mass produced in the first years of the 20th century. Reports show that 95.4 percent of the time, fixating on calories does not reduce obesity in the long term. Counting calories is like madly scrambling through a minefield. Alternatively, if we eat healthful, natural foods and stop bothering with calories, our bodies will naturally settle at a healthy weight.

Myth 2: We can ingest anything in moderation.
For years we’ve been told that it’s not what we eat that matters, it’s how much. This standard advice is achieving nothing but keeping us big. In actuality, it is the quality of the food that is essential, not the amount. Eat lots of better- quality foodand you will unconsciously prevent overeating and provide your body with nutrition that reprograms the body to act more like a typically slim person.Quality foods mean foods that are unrefined, low in sugar, with healthy oils like coconut and olive oil.

Myth 3: All calories are made equal.
Some foods don’t satisfy, even if they’re full of calories. You want calories but you also must have nutrients. Eat foods that are filling, low in calories, and high in nutrients, like salads, because they will be more fulfilling than the same number of calories from junk foods. Taking a multivitamin is able to also help. In Canadian studies issued in the British Journal of Nutrition, individuals who had multivitamins during a diet and exercise program were not as hungry and eliminated more body weight.

Myth 4: Sex requires many calories.
The typical session of intimacy uses a modest 21 calories according to a recent report in the New England Journal of Medicine. So it’s better not to picture a bedroom romp as a replacement for working out.

Myth 5: You burn as many calories walking a distance as you do running the distance.
On the surface, this looks logical since it takes much longer to walk a mile than it does to run it. So the calories needed should be evenly matched, correct? Only they’re not. A study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise proved that women got rid of an average of ninety one calories running a mile. Walking burned only 43.

Myth 6: Bariatric surgery reduces customers down to their target body weight.
The operation certainly does make men and women less hungry and think of food less, but that doesn’t mean all the extra weight will disappear altogether. A lot of people get rid of between FIFTY and 65 percent of their extra body weight after gastric band, gastric bypass, or similar procedures. For instance, where a 100-pound loss would be optimal, the realistic long-term reduction is more probably to fall between 50 and 65 pounds, depending upon the type of surgery.

Look and Feel Better – 10 Ideas

1. Strategize your food intake
Never eat a thing simply because it’s available. Instead, eat only the foods you aim to eat
when you plan to eat them and break off as soon as you’ve had enough, before you’re stuffed.
2. Drink water.
Substitute water and drop soft drinks, fruit juices, and other sugary drinks. Seltzer, embellished with thin pieces of lime or oranges, is also great if you like something sparkling.
3. Eat salad first.
Greens are abundant sources of significant nutrients with very few calories. This can control your appetite at the beginning, helping you take up fewer calories from the entire meal, and supply you with an outstanding source of calcium, potassium, fiber, and vitamins A and C.
4. Workout everyday.
At least 20 minutes of high energy exercise whether it’s taking a walk, cycling, running, swimming, or enjoying a sport gives your body and brain health an immediate leg up and helps set the tone for strong living.
5. Make sleep a goal.
Obtaining 8 hours of good-quality sleep will help you gain much better control over your appetite and increased energy for daily motion and some other activities. Set yourself up for success by creating a soothing routine before sleeping.
6. Avoid mindless snacking.
Don’t eat while doing other activities, including driving a vehicle, watching TV, reading or surfing the Web. When your interest is divided, it’s more easy to thoughtlessly shovel in snacks without realizing you are pigging out.
7. Just eat foods that have simple ingredients.
If a kid can’t say ingredients on the package label, don’t eat it. You’ll avoid consuming loads of additives and chemicals that supply little health value.
8. Keep away from fast foods.
If you’re in a pinch and absolutely can’t avoid fast food, use to make the best workable picks. This site, which also has a cellphone app under the name
yumPower, lists the healthiest menu choices at chain restaurants, with details about calories, sodium, and fats.
9. Go public with your plans.
Tell valuable people in your life – relatives, dear friends, and colleagues – about health-related improvements you’re doing, then get their assistance.
10. Be in charge your food preferences, wherever you are.
Your food consumption behaviors don’t need to be at the whim of your situation if you take control and plan ahead. Take healthy foods any place you go, so you’ll have them always accessible. that includes the office, a sporting event, and other places where you might be inclined to munch.

Looking for info on other healthy things to do?

Taking Care of Your Brain Functioning

The early on signals of Alzheimer’s can be very understated, and many of the earlier physical developments coming with Alzheimer’s mimic normal aging.

Most folks presume that loss of memory is the most popular evidence of early Alzheimer’s. But experts are finding out that 3 different areas can be tips that a man or woman is getting Alzheimer’s: walking, talking, and sleeping.

Problems in walking are regularly thought to be a hint of growing older, but at the Alzheimer’s Association’s International Conference in Vancouver, scientists revealed that distinct modifications in a person’s stride occurs in people who are coming down with Alzheimer’s disease, even before significant thought troubles become clear.

The researchers identified that those with slight mental troubles stepped more slowly than those who could think easily. They discovered that the patients with Alzheimer’s disease walked the slowest of all.
Scientists noted that Alzheimer’s subjects have an unique way of walking that arises early in the disease process, before thought is affected. "The most common finding would be a tentative, uncertain stride," said Dr. Sellman. "The best way of detailing it is a slower action, a lot more of a stutter step, not the usual rhythm, where you walk down the road with your arms swinging.".
Those with early on Alzheimer’s routinely have a wobbling or inconsistent stride, meaning that one step is unlike the next.

Differences in talking patterns have long been identified with Alzheimer’s disease, but current tests utilizing computer speech recognition programs have made improvements in identifying those affected earlier, states David Knopman, M.D., of the the Mayo Clinic Rochester, Minn.
"We’ve known that recognizing the meaning of words reduces with the progression of Alzheimer’s disease."

People with Alzheimer’s often have a challenging time sticking to or participating in a conversation. They could also struggle with vocabulary, labeling common things by different names. For example, they might label a "watch" a "hand-clock," the Alzheimer’s Association notes as an example. Experiencing periodic trouble picking
the most suitable word, on the other hand, is normally nothing more than common aging or absentmindedness.

Although people often mention sleeping less as they get older, specialists document that sudden changes in sleep- either sleeping much more or much less than usual-can be an initial indication of Alzheimer’s.
In a Study of 15,000 women 70 and over, testers found that people who slept the least (five hours or less) or the most (nine hours plus ) had cloudier thinking than those who slept 7 hours each night. A substantial portion of the women who slept very little or very much displayed indications of beta amyloid in their blood stream, which most experts consider a marker of Alzheimer’s disease.
"When the brain starts to deteriorate it’s not just thinking that is impaired, but other functions like walking, sleeping, and speaking too," says Dr. Knopman.

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Lower your cholesterol without prescription drugs

Desire to be healthy and avoid prescription drugs? Let’s begin with high blood pressure and cholesterol. The good news is that you don’t always have to resort to statin pharmaceuticals to address cholesterol. There are natural supplements that can treat it naturally.

Flaxseed lignans, flaxseed oils and flaxseed
These have all been investigated for their potential to lower cholesteral in a natural manner

Niacin – Vitamin B3
A really effective way to decrease LDL cholesteral, lift HDL and convert small, dense LDL particles into a more harmless type is with the use of Vitamin B3, also called Niacin. When you commence using Niacin, you may want to start with a dosage of 250MG and grow it up to 1,500 to 3,000 mg everyday. It may well take you up to two years to do this.

Probiotics help you sustain wonderful digestive wellness. These valuable bacteria also help prevent cholesterol from being reabsorbed and therefore help to cut the level in your blood. Research outcomes have been mixed, but in a randomized research study revealed last fall, scientists from McGill University found that people taking probiotics saw their cholesterol drop by 9 percent. A good daily dose is 2-4 capsules.

Garlic, which is extolled for a few beneficial heart results is also a mild cholesterol and blood pressure reducer. Try 1 or 2 caps a day.

Vitamin C.
Vitamin C offers a mixture of health advantages and has also been uncovered to put forth a mild cholesterol-lowering benefit. You can try taking 2,000 mg everyday for this intention.

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I want to smile when I’m older

Content men and women live for a longer period– by 35 percent, as explaining by one report One more study found that peace of mind and satisfaction increases health and life expectancy.Other studies reveal optimists live longer than pessimists Therefore it’s no shock that centenarians are a cheerful and upbeat lot. Positive views and attitudes tend to somehow do things in your body that fortify your immune system, step-up positive emotions, reduce pain, and produce stress relief. In fact, it’s been scientifically shown that well-being can adjust your genes!

A team of research workers at UCLA displayed that people with a broad sense of happiness and well-being had smaller levels of inflammatory gene expression and stronger antiviral and antibody responses This falls under the field of epigenetics– changing the way your genes work by switching them off and on.

Part of your longevity would depend on the DNA you were born with, but an even larger element relies on epigenetics– over which you have extra authority. Your thoughts, feeling, emotions, diet, and various other lifestyle aspects exert epigenetic effects every minute of the day, serving a main role in getting older and disease It could be that it’s not as important to eliminate that serving of ice cream as it is to feel sheer euphoria when eating it … at least, occasionally!

Healthy and balanced Aging Is a ‘Big Picture’.

There is no miracle drug when it comes to aging well. Generally speaking, the better you manage your body all throughout your life, the better your aging experience will be. Most individuals do not enjoy the thought of aging since, for most, aging is associated with aches and pains, forgetfulness and isolation. It is inescapable that you’re getting older, but I can promise you from personal experience that this need not be a bad thing!

Now, as I come close to my 60th birthday celebration in a few months, I am the fittest I have ever been– and I live every single day to its ultimate potential. I may have been able to run quicker when I was young, but I would never exchange that for the muscle toughness, pliability and understanding I have today. You too can achieve well being on both physical and cerebral fronts, at any age. In fact, for me in many ways life continues to feel better as the years move onward.

Other health information from this author

Get That Antioxidant Magic for 2013

Want to know more about antioxidants? Here’s a great video to get you started in the New Year from Dr Oz

If there is one critical area that you would like to educate yourself about, I would urge you to look into the role that antioxidants play in just about every aspect of your health. In a nutshell, antioxidants are natures way of clearing free radicals – which are damaged molecules- from your cells. If they are not cleared, your cells and eventually the organs are like a fireplace that nobody bothers to clean the ashes out of- and the fire (that would be you) is eventually smothered.

This article talks briefly about how antioxidants in your diet can help protect against breast cancer Now, one of the biggest reason that we need to pay more attention to an adequate intake or supplementation of antioxidants is simply that the environment that we live in is – as a rule- not exactly what nature intended. We are surrounded with pollutants and toxins that our bodies were not designed to cope with and we consume processed foods and medications that are also alien substances. But, some of the problems have actually been around for a long time. Remember the phrase “as mad as a hatter?” The problem they faced was mercury toxicity, but one antioxidant – glutathione can protect against that.

Glutathione is a subject that I have and will continue to harp on – sorry but I think it’s important. To illustrate my point here’s something worth reading about why your heart needs glutathione

…..and finally, talking about the heart. Blood sugar plays a major role in your cardiovascular health and what you eat, and the glycemic index of what you eat is important for your health.

Lorraine Craymer

Have a Heart for Longer

High blood pressure and issues around cholesterol and hardening of the arteries gets a lot of press and yet, North Americans don’t seem to be paying a whole bunch of attention. Unfortunately, many of us who are moving in the primary age groups where heart health becomes a “let’s finally pay attention to it” kind of issue have spent years living on highly processed foods, which are a big (some might say huge) part of the problem.

Here’s a video to get you started Understanding Cholesterol

You expect it from 50 years olds – even though that should not, nor has to be the case. But reading that one fifth of twenty somethings have blood pressure issues came as a big shock to me.

Speaking of shocking – check this out – a fast fact about popcorn that you might never has expected.

Here’s a download you might want to look into if you’re interested in maintaining a healthy heart and are concerned about lowering cholesterol levels And if that is of interest to you, then you also need to start educating yourself about the role of arginine and its impact on your cardiovascular health.

Lorraine Craymer