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Free Radicals and Parkinson’s Disease

March 13, 2014

At least 50,000 Americans are identified with Parkinson’s Disease every single year, and specialists point out it’s significantly obvious that the products used in farming are contributing to too many of the problems. "Pesticides are by far the major environmental Parkinson’s disease risk element," says Jeff Bronstein, M.D., a professor of neurology at UCLA and director of the schools Movement Disorders Program.

Parkinson’s disease is triggered by the decrease of the neurotransmitter dopamine, which governs mobility and other neurological functions. Symptoms include the loss of control of movement, which leads to shivering, balance troubles, and stiffness. It’s also been known for over TWENTY years that the mid brain area of people dealing with Parkinsons Disease show a forty to fifty % loss in total glutathione levels. Glutathione, the body’s Master Antioxidant plays a role in enabling the body lessen oxidative stress and long-term inflammation it creates.

"Lengthy periods of exposure to agricultural chemicals considerably raises one’s likeyhood of acquiring Parkinson’s disease," Dr. goes on to say. "There’s a famous line, which is practically a cliché that heredity loads the gun and surroundings pulls the trigger. That appears true with Parkinson’s and pesticides.
In addition to Dr. Bronstein’s work, a new report posted by Italian researchers in the journal of Neurology concluded that lasting exposure to agricultural chemicals raises risk of Parkinson’s by thirty three to eighty percent.

The Dirty Dozen.
Each and every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) publishes its "Dirty Dozen" selection of the most chemical-laden fruit and vegetables. It also produces its "Clean 15" selection of the fruit and vegetables least likely to include substantial levels of pesticides.
The "Dirty Dozen" are celery,, apples,grapes, peaches, strawberries, spinach, bell peppers,imported nectarines, potatoes, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and hot peppers.
The EWG also alluded to concerns over kale, collard greens, and summer squash.
The "Clean 15" are onions, pineapples, cabbage, avocados, frozen peas, mangoes, papayas,asparagus, eggplant, kiwi, grapefruit, corn, cantaloupe, sweet potatoes, and mushrooms.

Talking about Glutathione and Parkinson’s Disease.
The glutathione reductions indicated earlier in this write-up are one of the initial possible warning signs in the earliest stages of Parkinson’s Disease. Oxidative injury to fats, protein and DNA in the brain of Parkinson’s Disease sufferers is consistent with the decline of the antioxidant operations provided by GSH. It is not unusual for the mind to be affected by a downturn of glutathione levels as the brain employs a big amount of the total oxygen required by our bodies. The metabolic functions that use oxygen create free radicals as a byproduct.

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